In the modern pig production, in order to maintain the hygiene in the pig yard, improve the environment and reduce cleaning, it is commonly used to lay the leaky seam floor on the manure ditch. the characteristics of the fecal leakage floor: corrosion resistance, no deformation, flat surface, no slip, small thermal conductivity, durable, good fecal leakage effect, easy to wash and disinfect. the floor gap width must be suitable for the walking and standing of pigs of all pig ages, without trapping the trotters.
Type of dung leaking floor
(1) Cement concrete leakage floor
Cement concrete leaky seam floor is in match breed pregnancy house and finish finishing house application is the most common, can make it plank or strip shape. this kind of floor is low cost, firm and durable, but the manufacturing process is strict, and the cement label must meet the requirements of the design drawings.
(2) Cast iron manure leakage floor
Metal leakage seam floor can be welded with metal bar alignment and become, also can be woven into a mesh metal bar. because the gap accounted for a larger proportion, feces and urine fall smoothly, the gap is not easy to plug, will not slip, clean, dry, in intensive pig production is widely used.

(3) Plastic manure leakage floor
Plastic leak seam floor uses engineering plastic mold to press and become, disassemble assemble convenient, quality is light, corrosion resistant, firm and durable, warmer than concrete, metal and slate ground, but slip easily, the pig action with big weight is not stable, apply to piglet to protect ground of column or ground of activity area of piglet of column of young suckling.
(4)BMC composite manure leakage plate
The fecal leakage plate is a new type of fecal leakage plate made of unsaturated resin, low shrinkage agent and other fiber materials combined with threaded steel skeleton. it has the characteristics of high strength, no injury to teats, no injury to pigs' feet, no water absorption, acid corrosion resistance, no aging, no adhesion to feces, easy cleaning, no need for beams, light weight and convenient transportation.

Post time: Jun-03-2019